Image + text is used to display an image to one side and descriptive text, and even a navigation button next to it. The image can be either to the right or the left of the text. Image + Text can be used to promote elements of a program, programs in a division, events, etc. Example
The recommended image size should be at least 600 x 400 px.
- Select the Paragraph tab
- Select Add Image + Text from the Content Box drop-down list.
- Add an Administrative Title to help you remember the purpose of the image + text during later edits.
- See Working with image/file upload fields to add an image.
- Select Left or Right from the Image View Mode to set the image alignment.
- Fill out the body field. See the Using the WYSIWYG Editor for additional help.
- To add an optional button:
- type the text that will be the hyperlink
- See adding Hyperlinks in Formatting Text
- Or
- Add an Administrative Title to help you remember the purpose of the button during later edits.
- Select an alignment; left, center or right; from the Button Alignment drop-down list.
- Add the web address to the URL field.
- Add the text to be displayed on the button in the Link text field.

Image Text Left
Text to describe the content portrayed in the image.

Image Text Right
Text to describe the content portrayed in the image.