Use the Events View to create a lists of all events, past or future, or a list of events related to a particular group such as a division.
- Select Paragraph Tab
- Select Add Events View from the Content drop-down list.
- Add an Administrative Title to help you remember the purpose of the view during later edits.
- Pick an Events View from the View Selection drop-down list.
- Events: Upcoming (3 items): a tiled row, that can be optionally filtered, of the next three upcoming events
- Events: Upcoming (4 items): Upcoming (4 items)**: a tiled row, that can be optionally filtered, of the next four upcoming events
- Events: All Past Items: a list of all previous events on the site in reverse chronological order
- Events: All Upcoming Items: a list of all upcoming events on the site in chronological order
- Save
- Use the Filter field to filter events by Division, Program, Lab or Subsite.
- Select Paragraph tab
- Select Events View
- Select Events: Upcoming 3 items or Upcoming 4 items.
- Add optional Heading.
- To filter* by a group, start typing the name of related Division/Unit, Lab, Program or Subsite in the Filter by field.
- A drop-down list should appear with suggested names.
- Select the name if it appears in the list.
- If the name does not exist, it will have to be added the system first.
- To add a Button:
- Add an Administrative Title to help you remember the purpose of the button during later edits.
- Add the web address to the URL field.
- Add the text to be displayed on the button in the Link text field.
*In order for a filtered Event view to be populated, individual Events have to be identified with the relationship that is being used as a filter. For example, in order to create a filtered Events for Division X, individual Events must have Division X listed on their relationship tab. See Edit an Event
Upcoming Events Three Items
January 30
From Likes to Leadership: Leveraging Social Media to Advance in Academic Health
January 30
January 30
Critical Care Grand Rounds - "Critical Care Grand Rounds: A Patient Panel Discussion"
Upcoming Events Four Items
January 30
From Likes to Leadership: Leveraging Social Media to Advance in Academic Health
January 30
January 30
Critical Care Grand Rounds - "Critical Care Grand Rounds: A Patient Panel Discussion"
January 30