Duke students and faculty have numerous opportunities to study and learn all over the world. Our three main international programs are the Duke-National University of Singapore Medical School, the Duke Global Health Institute and Duke Kunshan University.

Duke and the National University of Singapore (NUS) signed a formal agreement in April 2005 under which the two institutions would partner to establish a new medical school in Singapore.
Under the agreement, the Singapore government made a significant investment over the first seven years to establish Duke-NUS as part of Singapore’s strategy to become a leading center for medical research and education.
Following the exceptionally strong progress in the first phase, on 30 November 2010, the Singapore government signaled their resounding support by extending the Duke and NUS strategic collaboration in education and research by another five years. On 2 June 2016, the Singapore stakeholders further extended this collaboration through a third agreement.
The school's curriculum is patterned after that of the Duke University School of Medicine. The school is part of the National University of Singapore system, but unique in that it is overseen by a Governing Board, including a Duke representative who has veto power over any academic decision made by the Board.
Duke-NUS Medical School Office of Duke-NUS Affairs
Duke Global Health Institute
The Duke Global Health Institute’s education, research, and capacity building initiatives are built on a strong network of
partnerships with institutions around the world in priority locations. The Institute provides opportunities for medical students to better understand the depth, breadth and interdisciplinary nature of global health challenges. DHGI provides programs specially tailored to the School of Medicine’s Third Year program that allows medical students to study and do research abroad and even pursue dual MD/Master of Science in Global Health degrees.
DGHI also offers programs for medical residents and fellows.
For more information, visit DGHI Medical Training or http://globalhealth.duke.edu
Duke Kunshan University

Duke Kunshan University, a Sino-American partnership of Duke University and Wuhan University in China, provides an international educational experience within a close-knit community of students and faculty from various fields of graduate and undergraduate study, creating a world-class liberal arts and research university offering a range of academic programs for students from China and throughout the world. Granted accreditation approval by China’s Ministry of Education in September 2013, Duke Kunshan welcomed its inaugural class of students in August 2014.
The Duke faculty and Board of Trustees have approved the awarding of Duke University degrees for the Master of Science in Medical Physics and Master of Science in Global Health programs at Duke Kunshan. In 2013, Duke Kunshan and the Duke Global Health Institute established the Global Health Research Center to research and solve important health and health policy challenges in China and around the world.