Event sponsored by:
Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI)
School of Medicine (SOM)
BERD Methods CoreSpeaker:
Brian Moore, MS, CIP; Deborah Wesley-Farrington, RN, BSN, CCRC, CIM
This session will provide an overview and introduction to the process for institutional review board submissions to the Wake Forest University School of Medicine including but not limited to discussion on developing the application and necessary documents, the review process, and any handy tips/resources. This session is meant to be interactive and offer opportunities for attendees to ask questions.
Registration Link: https://redcap.wakehealth.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=KEM43P83TWRC4HJY
This event is being cross-promoted by the NC BERD Consortium, a collaboration of the CTSA-funded BERD cores at UNC-Chapel Hill, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, and Duke University School of Medicine.