Data Management Planning

September 13, 2023
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Event sponsored by:

Duke Office of Scientific Integrity (DOSI)
Arts & Sciences (A&S)
Duke Office of Research Initiatives
Fuqua School of Business
Graduate School
Office for Research and Innovation
School of Medicine (SOM)
School of Nursing (SON)


ASIST Office



Michael Pencina, Jenny Ariansen, Sophia Lafferty-Hess, Terri West
Foundations of Research Success Seminar Series: In fall 2023, the Duke Office of Research Initiatives is excited to offer Foundations of Research Success: a seminar series of research how-tos and resources at Duke. This seminar series is tailored for School of Medicine and School of Nursing researchers and provides both practical information for navigating key research topic areas, as well as opportunities to engage with peers and research leadership. Those outside of the Schools of Medicine and Nursing are welcome to attend, though the content may not be as relevant. Data Management Planning - Wednesday, September 13 12:00-1:30pm Presenters and facilitators: Michael Pencina, Jenny Ariansen, Sophia Lafferty-Hess, Terri West This seminar will highlight key elements of creating a comprehensive data management plan, including tools and resources available for storing, sharing, and archiving data. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with subject matter experts and research leadership to discuss specifics related to basic science data management, clinical research data management, and population health/health services data management. REGISTER:

Foundations of Research Success Seminar Series